Same-Day Appointments
Irving Coppell Primary Care and Pediatrics
Family Practice Physicians serving Irving, Coppell, Las Colinas, Dallas, TX, and the surrounding areas.
If you or your child is ill or gets injured and needs immediate medical attention, see the family medicine specialists at Irving Coppell Primary Care and Pediatrics in Irving, Texas. Vijayalakshmi Raghu, MD, Raghu Turebylu, MD, and the team offer same-day appointments to care for patients when time is of the essence. Call the office to schedule a same-day visit, or use the online booking feature today.
Same-Day Appointments Q & A
What are same-day appointments?
Same-day appointments at Irving Coppell Primary Care and Pediatrics include medical exams, diagnostic tests as needed, and treatments for common medical concerns that aren’t life-threatening but require prompt care. The family medicine team is here for you and your entire family when you need them the most.
What are same-day appointments used for?
You or a family member may be a candidate for same-day appointments at Irving Coppell Primary Care and Pediatrics if you develop:
- Strep throat
- Fever Rash
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Ear, eye, or throat pain
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Joint pain
- Injuries
- Mild head trauma
- Nonhealing or open wounds
- Urinary tract infection (UTI)
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Extreme fatigue
If you experience a life-threatening emergency, such as signs of a heart attack or a severe injury, dial 911 or head to a nearby emergency room.
What should I expect during same-day appointments?
During same-day visits to Irving Coppell Primary Care and Pediatrics, your provider greets you and weighs you, evaluates your body mass index (BMI), and checks your blood pressure and other vital signs.
A family medicine specialist discusses your medications, symptoms, lifestyle habits, and medical history. They listen to your breathing and heartbeat, check your reflexes, and look for signs of health problems during a physical exam.
You might need a tissue swab, biopsy, urine test, blood test, heart-function testing, allergy tests, or lung-function testing. The practice has an in-house lab, providing many of these tests right in the office.
Your Irving Coppell Primary Care and Pediatrics provider may suggest X-rays or another imaging procedure to develop images of the inside of your body.
What are my same-day appointment treatment options?
Based on your diagnosis and treatment preferences, a provider might recommend making lifestyle changes, getting plenty of rest and fluids, icing an injury, or taking over-the-counter or prescription medicines. They offer injections, wound care, fracture care, and specialist referrals.
Your Irving Coppell Primary Care and Pediatrics provider tailors each treatment to your needs and follows up with you to ensure you’re healing or recovering effectively. They let you know if you need follow-up primary care, an evaluation by a specialist, or treatment at a hospital.
Call the Irving Coppell Primary Care and Pediatrics office to schedule a same-day appointment, or use the online booking feature today.
Physical Examsmore info
Women's Healthmore info
Pediatric Caremore info
Chronic Disease Managementmore info
Acute Caremore info
Immunizationsmore info
Weight Loss Managementmore info
Immunotherapymore info
In-House Labsmore info
Developmental screeningmore info
School/College Physicals and Formsmore info
Pediatrician Interview for Expecting Parentsmore info
Same-Day Appointmentsmore info
STD Screeningsmore info
Pediatricsmore info